2.1.1 DVVLink page of Average Enrollment percentage of students during the last five yearsClick Here
2.1.2 DVVLink page of letter issued by State Govt. indicating the reserved categoriesClick Here
2.2.2 DVVMechanisms of institutions to address the student diversitiesClick Here
2.2.3 DVVinstitutional provisions for catering to differential student needsClick Here
2.3.3 DVVstudents using ICT support for their learningClick Here
2.3.4 DVVICT support is used by students in various learning situations and Link of resources usedClick Here
2.3.6 DVVInstitution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of educationClick Here
2.4.1 DVVDocumentary evidence for developing competencies and skillsClick Here
2.4.10 DVVNature of internee engagement during internshipClick Here
2.4.13 DVVFormat of Criteria and Weightages for interns‟ performance appraisal and Five filled in formatsClick Here
2.4.2 DVVPreparatory activities for school based Practice Teaching and internshipClick Here
2.4.4 DVVActivities for evolving indicated assessment toolsClick Here
2.4.5 DVVAdequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICTClick Here
2.4.6 DVVDocuments of Academic, Cultural, Sports and CommunityClick Here
2.4.7 DVVA variety of assignments given and assessed for theory coursesClick Here
2.4.9 DVVThe schedule of work of internees in each school and Plan of teacher engagement in school internshipClick Here
2.6.2 DVVMechanism of internal evaluationClick Here
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